I firmly believe that in design more is not more; it turns out to be the exact opposite. The simplest solution is most likely the best one. During the course of eleven years, I developed a minimalistic design language with just the right amount of beauty in it.

Art Director & Creator
based in Berlin
As far as I can think back, I always had a love for aesthetics and design – cutting images and typography from magazines to build new layouts as a child or regularly redecorating my room at my parents’ house. After finishing highschool, it was obvious to me that it’s about time to leave my small hometown of Neukirchen-Vluyn, where I was born and raised, and further explore this passion.

I moved to the city of Düsseldorf and enrolled in visual communication studies at the University of Applied Sciences, followed by studies abroad at the Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, an internship in Los Angeles and a postgraduate degree.
While gaining all these insights of higher education certainly helped me deepen my theoretical knowledge, I’m particularly thankful for the wide range of field experiences I got to gather during my time as a student, working as a photo assistant, head of studio and junior art director at different agencies. Developing new ideas, planning and directing shoots, designing all kinds of layouts -- this is where my personal passion and professional knowledge meet to take concrete shape.
Since 2013, I’ve been offering my services as a freelance art director - ranging from corporate identity, including web and print, to image films and professional photoshoots - which allows me to find a handmade solution for every client, tailored to their individual needs and wishes.

LL Designstudio
Visuelle Kommunikation
+ Fotografie & Bewegtbild
April 2013 - Present
KesselsKramer Los Angeles
Internship Graphic Design ​
Oktober 2013 - Februar 2014 (5 Monate)
Herr Brammen GmbH
Junior Art Director ​
Juli 2011 - April 2013 (1 Jahr 10 Monate)
Deltaprise GmbH
Studioleitung / Fotografin ​
Januar 2009 - Juli 2011 (2 Jahre 7 Monate)
Internship Graphic Design
Juni 2008 - August 2008 (3 Monate)
Fachhochschule Düsseldorf
Master of Arts (M.A.), Kommunikationsdesign
(2012 - 2015) | Final Grade 1.3
Birmingham City University
Auslandssemester, Visual Communication
(September 2011 - Mai 2012)
Fachhochschule Düsseldorf
Bachelor of Arts (M.A.), Kommunikationsdesign
(2008 - 2012) | Final Grade 1.0